Update: The game is in a more playable state now. I had to enable the animations to fix the enemy damage issue and fix the player controls. ๐Ÿ˜“ I will implement more features and levels including new asset files I made as part of a later update. I hope you will stick around to see how this project turns out.๐Ÿค—

My game is meant to be a story of a young dragon fighting his way through a landmine of dragon-hunting-knights to get to a wizard who can help him get stronger and more powerful. Unfortunately, due to confusing advertising, our hero journeyed to a magician on tour. This is a concept for the game, I just got off the tutorial island and committed to working on a game of my own. I picked code snippets here and there along the way from the likes of the GAmeDev.tv team, Brackeys, Adam C Younis, and Dani Krossing.

I worked on the game assets in Krita, hope they are pleasant to look at.๐Ÿคž I may have spent most of my available time working on assets rather than game dev.๐Ÿ˜…

The font I used is called cloister_black available on daFont. 

For the best experience play in full screen. The controls are not the best but hope you enjoy playing.๐Ÿ˜Š


A & D - Movement

Space - Jump

Left Ctrl or Mouse1 - Fire


Enemies will charge on sight and can kill in one attack.

Updated 8 days ago
Published 14 days ago
StatusIn development

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